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Go Bananas!

Welcome to the Ape Ambassadors club!


This club was started by kids and is for kids who want to make a difference.


This club supports the Center for Great Apes, an incredible sanctuary for chimpanzees and orangutans.

This is more than just a fan club. Members get involved. Kids help raise money for the sanctuary and

increase awareness of issues facing these smart primates.


Kids will enjoy being a part of this club because THEY make the decisions on how to create the change and make an impact.

It can be a simple as sharing information about the issues facing apes with your class or as focused as creating a fundraising campaign for the sanctuary. This club allows members to have the freedom to make decisions on how they want to support the effort and programs (see the ACTION page for ideas).


The Ape Ambassadors Club aims to help build basic skills for lifelong learning which can be applied to future careers and occupations. The Ape Ambassadors Club wants members to realize that helping others is fun, and through these experiences - increase their confidence, self-esteem, and encourage others to do something to make a positive difference. 

We are always seeking creative ways to educate,

involve and share information and ideas - so part of being a member or supporter is sharing your ideas!


Ways club members can help:

  • Fundraising Events: Host car washes, bake sales, yard sales

  • Donation Drives: Collect towels, food, blankets and toys and other items on the Wish List for the Center for Great Apes

  • Education Projects: We can help with classroom projects to help educate your friends on responsible pet ownership and how to get involved with rescue work.

  • Talk, draw, write: Tell others about your efforts and goals through art, by talking to your class, family and friends; write a story and share it. Be sure to share your efforts with us. If its ok with your parents, we will share it on our Facebook page and in our quarterly newsletter or our blog.

  • Attend an Event: Volunteer with an adult at one of our team projects. Follow us on Facebook to find out where and when these will occur. 

  • What you do is completely up to you - for more ideas visit the ACTION page.



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